In Cub Scouting, you and your family join in on the program with your child, and you will help them along the way. Cub Scouts have a different handbook at each grade level, with adventures that are age-appropriate for their developmental level. As your child advances through these books by working on adventures, they will earn badges and other recognition that they wear on their uniform. As your child grows in Cub Scouting, your role will change with them, from hands-on involvement to guiding and coaching. Your child’s success in Cub Scouting depends on you!
The Cub Scouting program takes place at two levels. Your child will be a part of a den, a small group of Cub Scouts in the same grade level and who are of the same gender. A den typically meets twice a month, although some may meet more often. All dens, from kindergarten through fifth grade, make up a pack. Once a month, the dens, with their families, come together at the pack meeting and Cub Scouts are recognized for the adventures and badges they have earned.
LIONS (Kindergarten) and TIGERS (First Grade) Dens, are Cub Scouts who join in kindergarten or first grade join with an adult partner, usually the parent or guardian. A LION or TIGER den should be no more than eight Cub Scouts and their adult partners. An adult is selected to serve as the den leader (usually one of the parents) and coordinates the meetings.
Each adult partner takes a turn assisting or hosting meetings or activities with the den leader. This shared leadership model is a great way to ensure the den leader has the help needed to deliver a quality program.
Our LION DENs (kindergarten) and TIGER DENs (first grade) meet weekly with our other DENs. At DEN meetings, LIONS and TIGERS work on adventures that are found in their handbooks.
It’s recommended that each Cub Scout has an advancement book for the rank they are working towards.
Every den is part of a pack. A pack usually consists of five or more dens and is led by the Cubmaster, who is supported by one or more Assistant Cubmasters and other adult leaders. Pack meetings are typically held once per month. This is a time for the scouts to share the things they have learned and accomplished during that month. Often pack meetings will include games, skits, songs, ceremonies and the presentation of badges and awards that the scouts earned during that month. This is an event where families can celebrate the achievements of their scout.
The Wolf (Second Grade) and Bear (Third Grade) Dens Children this age are becoming more independent, and activities are designed to meet their developmental needs. A Wolf (second grade) or Bear (third grade) den is ideally no more than eight Cub Scouts of the same gender, a den leader, an assistant den leader (usually parents of some of the den members), and often a den chief (an older Scout who helps the den leader).
They typically meet twice a month at a regularly scheduled time and place, and they also attend the pack meeting with their families The Webelos Scout Den (Fourth and Fifth Grades) The Webelos den is much like the Wolf and Bear dens, but there is more emphasis on learning to take leadership roles and preparing to join a Scout troop.
Our pack meetings are typically held on the fourth Tuesday of each month (during the school year) and currently we meet at the THPRD Conestoga location.
The Cub Scout pack is made up of all the dens, which meet monthly at the pack meeting, led by the Cubmaster. There are games, skits, songs, ceremonies, and presentations of achievements and
badges that Cub Scouts earned during that month. This is where families can see the achievements of their Cub Scout. The pack, including families, also participates in other special events throughout the year, including:
Pinewood Derby®—You can build and race a model car with your child.
Blue and gold banquet—Cub Scouting’s birthday party—takes place in February.
Camping—Overnight and day camp opportunities introduce your family to the camping experience.
Every Cub Scout parent or guardian is invited to become a member of the pack committee. Pack committee members perform administrative functions of the pack. The committee meets monthly and includes the responsibilities below.
Committee chair. Presides at all pack committee meetings. Helps recruit adult leaders and attends the monthly pack meeting and pack committee meeting.
Advancement chair. Maintains advancement records for the pack. Orders and obtains all badges and insignia. Attends the monthly pack meeting and pack committee meeting.
New member coordinator. Manages the transition of new Scouts into the pack and coordinates orientation for new Scouting families. Responsible for the marketing and recruiting initiatives of the pack as well as the growth and retention of the unit.
Secretary. Keeps records of the pack committee meetings and communicates with families about upcoming pack events and activities.
Treasurer. Keeps all financial records for the pack, including the pack bank account, and gives a monthly financial report to the pack committee. Attends the monthly pack meeting and pack committee meeting.

The Boy Scouts of America makes scouting available to our nation’s youth by chartering community organizations to organize and operate Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, and other similar scouting units.
The Fir Grove Elementary School PTO is our current chartered organization and has been for over sixty years.
Unfortunately the PTO board has voted to end our charter January 2023. As of today, we are looking for a strong public or private partner to charter with. Our Scouting units strives to be helpful and productive members of our local community. We donate our time and energy (usually in the form of community service and conservation projects) giving back to the community.
Troop 685 is our “big brother” in the scouting program. They often invite our Cub Scouts (especially our Webelos) to join them in appropriate activities. We work to maintain a strong relationship with Troop 685, and it is not uncommon for our Webelos scouts to join Troop 685 as new Boy Scouts after earning their Arrow of Light award and “graduating” from the Cub Scout program.
Our Pack is within the Sunset Trail District, which is comprised of all units (packs, troops and venture crews) that are chartered in the Beaverton School District (and a few additional small outlying areas).
Sunset Trail is one of seventeen geographic districts that comprise the Cascade Pacific Council (the CPC). Our council serves (as of 2017) over twenty-one thousand boys and girls ages 6-20 in Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington. Additionally, over eleven thousand adult volunteers throughout the council make the scouting program possible.

Your den is in a pack that belongs to an organization chartered by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to operate a Cub Scout pack. The chartered organization approves leadership, helps secure a meeting place, and makes sure that the pack works within the guidelines and policies of their organization as well as those of the BSA.
Many volunteers and BSA professionals are interested in the success of your pack. A special volunteer assigned to help your pack is called a commissioner. The commissioner helps the pack provide a successful and high-quality program. The commissioner is also the communication link between your pack and the local council.
There are professional staff at your council service center who can help or will get you in touch with someone who can. Local Council Locator