If the costs of scouting are higher than you expected, we have good news: our pack primarily operates on the proceeds from three annual fundraising efforts:

  • September: Trail’s End Popcorn product sales
  • October: holiday wreaths sales
  • March: World’s Finest Chocolate and Tillamook Country Smoker beef sales
  • June or July: car wash

Sixty percent (60%) of the net proceeds from these three primary fundraisers are applied directly to each participating scout’s activities costs (including Pack and Den events, summer camp, or other scouting costs). We refer to this as a “scout account.” The remaining forty percent (40%) of the proceeds from each of these fundraisers is applied to various pack expenses, including advancement, scout scholarships, recognition, and den meeting materials.

We often conduct a fourth fundraiser (a car wash) in June or July, which is specifically designed to help our scouts raise money to attend summer camp. All (i.e., 100%) of the net proceeds from the car wash fundraiser go directly to “scout accounts” to offset summer camp fees.


The Cascade Pacific Council relies on two income streams to provide the majority of its operating budget. The primary income stream is an annual fundraising drive known as “Friends of Scouting” (sometimes just called FOS). Each year we participate in the Friends of Scouting fundraising drive. Camping fees, product sales, endowments and other activities constitute the remainder of the Council’s income.

Over 85% of our council’s expenses go to directly supporting the scouting program. This includes the operation and maintenance of seventeen different properties, including Aubrey Lodge (where we take our scouts annually for Snow Day) and numerous camps that our scouts attend each summer.


The Boy Scouts of America National Council receives income from scout shop supply sales, membership fees, grants, legacies and bequests, project sales, United Way, camping, Endowment Support and corporate sponsorships.

With those resources the National office develops program materials and resources, maintains membership database and reporting functions, and develops training materials.